Banjul, 31 May 2024: IHRDA and partners in joint statement express concern on proposed bill to decriminalize Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia. We…
Honourable Chairperson and Commissioners of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Excellencies, Honourable State Party Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished participants, The Institute…
Yaounde, 15 May 2024: IHRDA and Finders Group Initiative (FGI) have concluded a public dialogue with key stakeholders in Cameroon on the implementation of decision…
Honorable Chairperson and Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (Committee), Excellencies, Honorable State Delegates, Ladies and…
Banjul, 28 February 2024: IHRDA, 27 February 2024, filed case against The Gambia before the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African…
Arusha, 28 March 2024: The African Human Rights Mechanisms Nomination and Selection Initiative, also known as ‘the Arusha Initiative,’ announced a campaign to help identify…
Freetown, 20 March 2024: IHRDA and partners have concluded a public dialogue with key stakeholders in Sierra Leone on the implementation of judgements of the…
IHRDA invites qualified persons to apply for the post of Executive Director. He/she should be a highly motivated person who demonstrates proven strategic leadership, management…